The Maryland Guide - February 13, 2025


Th e M aryl an d Gu i de • 2- 13- 25 HELP WANTED: PRESS OPERATOR HIRING IMMEDIATELY • WILL TRAIN O’Rourke Media Group is looking for a full-time press operator to join the production team at The Guide facility in Seaford, DE. Great opportunity for someone to learn how to run the press that prints the Guide and Maryland Guide publications each week. Ideal Candidate: Mechanically inclined, versatile, open to learning and has a strong work ethic. Able to work in a fast-paced environment. Must be able to lift packages/ bundles up to 35 lbs. Benefits: Medical benefits, dental, vision, 401(k) with company match and 16 PTO days per year. Pay commensurate with experience. Hours: Mon., Wed. & Thurs. 8am-5pm; Tues. 8am-until finished (normally 6pm); Fri. 8am-12noon. Apply: Email resumes to or apply online at About Us: O’Rourke Media Group is a fast-growing company that owns and operates hyper-local, community newspapers, websites, niche publications and a full-service digital agency. REBATE UP TO $300 WITH YOUR FIRST ON-TIME PAYMENT* MENTION THIS AD FOR A Check Out Our Low, Low Rates & Payments *Restrictions may apply; APR Ranges 175.00% - 521.43%. EZ Loans has got you covered. Come in, get the money you need TODAY and enjoy celebrating your team or your special someone. EZ Loans 229 Stadium St. Smyrna, DE 19977 302-653-3599 EZ Loans 38661 Sussex Hwy., Suite #2 Delmar, DE 19940 302-462-3445 EZ Loans 17074 S. DuPont Hwy. Harrington, DE 19952 302-398-0700 EZ Loans 28544 DuPont Blvd., Unit 11 Millsboro, DE 19966 302-934-5560 EZ Loans 902 Norman Eskridge Hwy. Seaford, DE 19973 302-628-0800 EZ Loans 38394 DuPont Blvd., Unit E Selbyville, DE 19975 302-436-4440 Whether It's delicious game day recipes or a night out with your valentine,

Th e M aryl an d Gu i de • 2- 13- 25

Th e M aryl an d Gu i de • 2- 13- 25 Have LOCAL jobs to fill? OMGHired is your one-stop platform for recruiting talent. NEW MEXICO D E L M A R V A Powered by GET STARTED TODAY! Em ai l u s at Cal l u s at 302-629-5060

Th e M aryl an d Gu i de • 2- 13- 25 302-629-5060 24904 Sussex Hwy. Seaford, DE 19973 Get The Guide delivered to your business! Would you like to be a designated delivery location for the Guide every week? Email for more information or visit our website at and click on Visitor Center > Delivery Requests. Best TV Repairman Servicing Delaware & Maryland Authorized Factory Service For All Major Brands: Samsung • Sony • Sharp • Vizio, etc. Repairs iPhone & Galaxy phones. Same day service. We Also Service Computers RState of Art Electronics 330 Concord Rd., Blades, DE 302-536-7643 Ask for Mel Hrs.: Mon.-Fri. 9-6; Sat. 9-1 SERVICE THIS WEEK CALL For a Quote 302-381-3167 Handyman Plumbing, HVAC Services, and Electrical Services. Commerical / Residential!

Th e M aryl an d Gu i de • 2- 13- 25 302-877-8051 29379 Hearns Lane Seaford, DE 19973 KROEGER’S RECYCLING 302-877-8051 Free Tow Service Cash Payment Prompt Service JUNK CARS WANTED

Th e M aryl an d Gu i de • 2- 13- 25 This section will be a celebration of the farming industry on Delmarva. It will feature advertisements from local retailers & suppliers, as well as informative articles of interest. E-mail for more information. Deadline: Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 1:00pm 302-629-5060 24904 Sussex Hwy. Seaford, DE 19973 The LM VA AGRICULTU Section will be published on MARCH 5, 2025 Rolling Metal-Forming Trust • Rolling For Your Business! METAL ROOFING • SIDING • ACCESSORIES RIDGE & VALLEYMETALS Buy Factory Direct & Save! CONTRACTORS WELCOME! HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7am - 4:30pm Saturday 7:30am - 11:30am 3527 Forrest Ave., Dover, DE 19904 302-678-2272 • Same Day Or Next Day Service Available • 20 Colors, Multiple Profiles & Gauges Available • Full Line Of Trim • Snow Guards In Stock

Th e M aryl an d Gu i de • 2- 13- 25 CLASSIFIED AD CATEGORIES • Antiques • Appliances • Automotive • Auto Parts • Boats & Marine Supplies • Business Opportunities • Celebrations • Child Care • Classic Autos • Collectibles • Construction/Building Supplies • Electronics • Farm Equipment • Feed, Hay & Straw • Financial Services • For Rent/Lease • For Sale • Free • Furniture • Health Care Services • Heavy Equipment • Help Wanted • Hobbies & Crafts • I Want A Job • Insurance • Lawn & Garden Equipment • Legal • Livestock & Supplies • Local Happenings • Lost & Found • Memorials • Mobile Homes • Motor Sports • Motorcycles/ATVs • Musical Instruments • Notices • Pets & Supplies • Plants & Flowers • Poultry Equipment • Produce • RV/Campers • Real Estate • Religious Happenings • Services • Sporting Goods • Too Late To Classify • Utility Trailers • Wanted • Yard/Garage Sales PLACING YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Your local Classified Source Since 1959 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS TUESDAY AT 10AM PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE Go to and click on Place Classified Ad. Email: PHONE/FAX 302-629-5060 | 800-984-8433 302-628-9207 Fax MAIL The Guide P.O. Box 1210, Seaford, DE 19973 STOP BY The Guide 24904 Sussex Hwy., Seaford, DE 19973 RATES $8.50 - First 3 lines (approx. 15 words). Each additional line $1.50. URL: $10 additional charge for each website link or any other URL link. BOLD: 17¢ per word, minimum $1. Cost for all bold is 17¢ per word, no more than 30% total cost of ad. AFFIDAVIT: Additional $22 for a signed, notarized affidavit will be available after the ad is published. BANNER: $5 additional charge for any 1 of our 5 colorful banners to add to your online classified ad. Choose from PREMIUM, CHECK IT OUT, NEW LISTING, NOW HIRING, and SALE. There is no charge to list a FREE item in the FREE category. Free item ads are for up to 3 non-bold lines - 1 ad per week and must state FREE within the ad. All charges are per week, per category. PHOTOS (Not applicable for commercial business. Private use only.) At no additional charge, you can have up to 6 FREE photos appear with your classified ad at Photos can be uploaded when placing your ad online at or by email to Ads placed by phone will receive a link to upload 6 photos. Published every Wednesday and uploaded online every Wednesday by 7am. Appears in both The Guide and Maryland Guide publications as well as online at at no additional cost. Online classifieds include up to 6 accompanying photos, social media sharing, and email features. Additional attention getter banners and URL links are also available at additional costs. Please check your ad on the first day it appears. In the event of an error, we are responsible only for the first incorrect insertion of an ad. We do not assume any responsibility for any reason for an error in an ad beyond the cost of the ad itself. We reserve the right to censor, revise, edit or reject any advertisement. Report any error at once by calling one of the above numbers. © Copyright February 13, 2025 by O’Rourke Media Group - Delaware. This publication is copyrighted as a compilation under federal law. No derivative use or other reproduction is authorized without the express written permission of the owner of the copyrights. O’Rourke Media Group - Delaware assumes no liability for the content of advertising herein or for any costs or damages arising therefrom. It is The Guide’s policy not to publish anything that may contain potential legal liability or upholds and/or creates any public controversy.

PLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD! Go to today! 1 Local Happenings 29TH ANNUAL TRAIN & TOY SHOW, Sat. 2/22/25, 9am-3pm. Seaford Vol. Fire Dept. Sta. East King St., Seaford, DE. Admission: Adults, $5; children under 12 free w/paying adult. Refreshments * Operating layouts Join IRSC on a BUS TRIP To the Antique Mall, the Casino, & the Classic Auto Mall in Morgantown, PA on Thurs., April 3, 2025. Tickets for members of Indian River Senior Center are $70 and tickets for non-members are $85. Call the main office to sign up or with any questions before March 3rd. 302-934-8839 x 1. Beef & Dumpling Drive-Thru Dinner by Delmar Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary, 3/1, 2pm-5pm. Roast beef, dumplings, mashed potatoes, gravy, candied sweets, green beans, cole slaw, roll & dessert. $18 ea. Pre-order by 2/21. Tickets: 302846-2335 or 443-359-5767 or any auxiliary member. National Outdoor Show, Fri. 2/21 & Sat. 2/22. Fri. eve. show, 5pm; Sat. matinee, doors open 9am (show 10:30am) & Sat. eve. show, 6pm. 3485 Golden Hill Rd., Church Creek. Craft Fair at Mariners Cove, Long Neck, DE. May 3rd, 9am-2pm. Looking for vendors, $25 a spot. Contact Lynn Konoeka at Drive-by Food Distribution by Seaford Community Food Closet at St. John’s UMC, Seaford. 2nd Friday of each month from 10am12noon. No referals needed. COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE DESIGNER PURSE BINGO, Sunday, February 16, 2pm at Goldsboro Fire Co. 700 Old Line Road. Door opens 11:30. Bingo at 2pm. $30 Advance Ticket, $35 at the door. Call 302-270-1948 CASH BINGO, Sat. 2/15. Doors open 5pm; bingo at 7pm. Advanced ticket, $30 until Thurs. 2/13. Limited door tickets, $35. Tickets avail. at the center, Mon.-Fri. 7am-2pm, Frederica Senior Center, 216 Market St., Frederica or visit our FB page for online purchase. Quarter Auction Tools and Gadgets Come out and enjoy an evening of fun. We will have a number of Tools for the Guys and Gadgets for the Ladies. All Items are Donated. 50/50’s/Special Paddle/ Door Prizes Refreshments: Sandwiches, cookies, chips and drinks Where: Redmen Fraternal Home, 17451 Nassau Commons Blvd., Lewes, Delaware. When: Sat., February 22, 2025 Time: Doors Open at 12pm Starts at 1pm Cost: $20 at the door $40 for All In Paddle $3 for extra paddles Proceeds from Auction will benefits the Ionie 13 Fundraiser For Yearly Donations call Sheila Morgan 301-758-4481 Connie White 302-422-6092 Mary Navalaney 302-422-5279 LINE DANCING, Sun. 2/16, 1:30pm-4:30pm. Every 3rd Sunday. $5 for Members; $8 for Non-members. All ages welcome!! All exp. levels are welcome!! Open dancing w/lessons in between! Lessons will range from beginner to improver/intermediate!! Pls. no outside food or beverages incl. water. Snack bar/window will be open for purchase of food & beverages!! Milford Elks Lodge, 18951 Elks Lodge Rd., Milford. 5 MALE BOXERS, (3) Brindle, (2) fawn, $1,500 ea. Text, 302-858-6609. SEE INTERNET PICTURE Muskrat Leg Eating World Championship, Sat. 2/15, 12noon-6pm. Cult Classic Brewing Co., 1169 Shopping Center Rd., Stevensville, MD. Craft vendors will also be on hand again for the event this year. Adm. $10/person (12 & under - free). UPCOMING AUCTIONS Pete Richardson Auction Sales. SEE OUR FULL PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE AND MARYLAND GUIDE VALENTINE’S DINNER DANCE Sat., 2/15, 5:30 pm Harrington Moose Lodge 16268 S. DuPont Hwy. Harrington, DE $75 Couple/$40 Single Reserve Tickets Now! (302) 398-4647 Apps/Buffet/Cash Bar/DJ/Raffle Benefits Harrington Public Library THE GUIDE 302.629.5060 * 800.984.8433 Great Backyard Bird Count at the Salisbury Zoo, Sat. 2/15, 10am2pm. Celebrate the arrival of spring migration. It’s an easy and fun way to connect with nature, learn about local species, and contribute to important scientific research. Bring your family, friends, and a pair of binoculars as we count birds together and enjoy the beauty of nature! All ages welcome. Free event. 755 S. Park Dr., Salisbury, MD. Sussex Chapter No 7 Order of the Eastern Star, Friday Night Dinner, 2/14/25, 6pm. Pork & sauerkraut. Cost: $15/person. Pine Street Ext., Seaford. Cape Night Hike: Full Moon Hike, Cape Henlopen State Park, Lewes, Wed. 2/12, 5:30pm. $8 per person. Online registration ends 24 hrs. prior to program. After that, call 302-645-6852. Registrations are open for the 2025 Ocean to Bay Bike Tour and Coastal Cruise presented by The Bethany-Fenwick Area Chamber of Commerce to be held on Fri. 5/2 & Sat. 5/3, over 2000 cyclists have the choice of a 10, 30, 50, 62.5 or 100-mi. ride throughout So. Delaware’s scenic beaches & bays. Register online, visit 302-539-2100. An 80S KIND OF ROMANCE MOVIE, Sat. 2/1, 2/8, 2/15 & 2/22, 6pm-8:30pm. Ages 17 & up. Movie ratings vary from PG to PG-13. Kent Co. Public Library, 497 S. Red Haven Ln., Dover. Pre-registration req’d. no walk-ins. See Kent Co. Public Library FB page for more info. MULTI CONSIGNMENT AUCTION, Fri. 2/28, 4:30pm. VCF Ruritan Club, 29 Ruritan Lane, Viola, DE. Paradise Auctions. 302-943-7741. Cash or approved check. SEE OUR 1/8 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE

HAVE A COLOR PHOTO WITH YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ON THE INTERNET! 2 Join us for a fun interactive S.T.E.M. activity on Thurs., 2/20, 3pm-6:30pm. Make a maze out of cardboard lids. Put on your thinking cap & enjoy! Milford Children’s Library, 11 SE Front St., Milford. AARP Georgetown is hosting a trip to Sight & Sound Theater in Lancaster, PA. Join us on 4/30/25. Includes coach bus, lunch smorgasbord at Hershey Farm Restaurant & Ticket to see “Noah”. Cost only $170 pp/ inclusive. Deadline is 3/15/25. Reserve your seat now. Call Paula 302-259-1918, Joan 302856-2158 or Pat 302-856-2274 The Museum of Rural Life - Open Saturdays, 11am-4pm. The Museum houses WWI & WWII exhibits, an exact sharecropper’s cabin, memorabilia from FDR’s visit to Denton in 1938, ship models from various eras of Caroline shipbuilding, among many other historical exhibits. A docent is on hand for tours. Free to the public. Visit or call 410-479-2055 16 N. 2nd St., Denton. Friday Night at the Greensboro Museum, 2nd Friday of the month at 6:30pm. The Greensboro Historical Society Museum features various presentations of historical interest. They are also open by appt. For more info., 410-482-8903. 104 E. Sunset Ave., Greensboro, MD. Black History Month: STURGIS ONE ROOM SCHOOL MUSEUM, Tours every Tues. & Thurs.: 2/4, 2/6, 2/11, 2/13, 2/18, 2/20, 2/25, 2/27. 5pm-8pm. $2 Admission. 209 Willow St., Pocomoke, MD. The only African American 1 Room School in Worcester Co. retaining its original integrity. FOR A SPECIAL FUNDRAISER Get your tickets, flyers, programs and raffle tickets at Sussex Printing Corp., Inc. Ticket rolls of 2000 for $8. 302.629.5060 or 24904 Sussex Hwy., Seaford, DE TEC Valentines Hot Cocoa Ride at Idylwild. Sat. 2/15, 10am-2pm. In the saddle at 11am. Horseshoe parking lot (“sm. parking lot on Google maps). Hot Cocoa at the trailers when we get back. Any other yummy treats that you would like to bring are welcome! TEC does not rent horses, you must bring your own. Event by Tuckahoe Equestrian Ctr. 4404 Houston Branch Rd., Federalsburg. Discover All That Delmarva has to offer with COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS! Sign up to find fun things to do, Delmarva historical locations, great food and preferred businesses: To advertise: Call 302-629-5060 or email Hot Chocolate Festival, Sat. 2/15, 10am-3pm. Purchase a cup of cocoa & enjoy our huge toppings bar!! Over 110 sm. local boutiques, artisans & crafters! Indoor inflatables for the kids to enjoy while you shop! $8/child to bounce all day. $2/adult at door. All door proceeds are donated to Cape Wrestling!! Cape Henlopen HS, 1250 Kings, Lewes. CHESAPEAKE FIRE & ICE This FREE 2-Day Family-friendly ice carving festival, Fri. 2/14, 5pm9pm & Sat. Feb. 2/15, 12pm-8pm. Larger-than-life ice sculptures will be on display throughout the historic downtown. Activities will include live demos of ice carvings, music, & a free outdoor ice skating rink. Visit: Talbot Tourism Office, 11. S. Harrison St., Easton MD. Notices BINGO WORLD BALTIMORE Sat. Feb. 22, leaves 5pm, Seaford Big Lots, $49 due 2/19. 2 games pay up to $50,000. Vacation Club 302-448-1279 or 302-628-1144 Trip to see Dream Girls, 4/4. For info., call Smith777travels, 302542-4127. REPAIRS: IPHONE & GALAXY PHONES. SAME DAY SERVICE. RSTATE, 302-381-3167. Raccoon Tax Ditch Annual Meeting to be held: Sat., Feb. 22, 2025 at 10am at Line Church Community Hall, East Line Road (RT. 54) Delmar, MD. I&D TOURS, LLC 4/19/25, Mystery Trip, $110. 5/10/25, “Noah”, Sight & Sound & Hershey Farms Buffet, $175. 6/1/25, Twitty & Lynn Concert, American Music Theatre, $125. Check our website for a full list of tours. Call 443-365-4026. $$ WE NEED UNOPENED and Unexpired Diabetic Test Strips $$ Do you have an excess amount of Diabetic Test Strips? We will pay $$CASH$$ for them. We are in need of as many as you have. We buy Sensors, Meters, Receivers, Lancets, Dexcom, OmniPod - 5 pack and Medtronic Supplies. We also purchase Inhalers & Pens: Anoro, Skyrizi, Tremfaya, Trellegy, Breo, Stiloto, Enbrel Injection & Syringe, Symbicort, Ozempic, Byurdeon, Trulicity, Mounjaro, Soliqua, Stelara 45mg & 90mg, Otzela, Humira, etc. We offer Free pickup in Delaware and parts of Maryland. If you are in another state, please give us a Call or Text to arrange for pickup or shipping. We also will pay $$CASH$$ for referrals. Text or Call us Today!!! 302-5690678. Thank you in Advance!!! Sight & Sound - Noah, 5/8 @ 3pm lunch incl. $195pp. For info., call Smith777travels, 302-542-4127. Marydel Tax Ditch Annual Meeting Tues. Feb. 25, 7pm 671 Bryants Corner Rd., Hartly, DE Seaford Elks Lodge - Bingo Every Wed. night. Doors open at 5pm. Bingo starts at 7pm. Food is now being served. Easter Break Caribbean Cruise 4/20-26. Call Lorraine at Smith777travel for info., 302-542-4127. Download & keep a complete DIGITAL COPY of THE GUIDE. Go to: - On the homepage go to “Read The Guide” in the Explore box, choose your issue, go to menu (bottom middle) and select download. DELMARVA DAVE DELMARVA’S MOST TRUSTED HOME BUYER Do you need to sell your house fast? Are you looking for a hassle free home sale? Looking to work with a local, legitimate home buying company? Did you inherit a house? Get a Cash Offer Today, 302-291-4320 WHITE OAK AUCTIONS LLC Auction 12 Preview Mon., Feb. 10, 10am-2pm. 138 Main St. Secretary, MD. 443-521-2006

PLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD! Go to today! 3 ARE YOU BOTHERED BY SOMEONE ELSE’S DRINKING? AL-ANON offers hope. Wednesdays at 10am. 12 & 12 Community Center, 1380 Middleford Rd., SEAFORD, DE 19973. MID-ATLANTIC SPRING EQUIPMENT AUCTION Sat. 3/15, 9am. Construction, equip., tractors, combines, tillage, planters, implements, trucks, trailers, RVs, fleet vehicles, lawn & garden, ATVs, tools & more. DE State Fairgrounds, 18500 S. Dupont Hwy., Harrington, DE.. SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE Still looking for any history of the Hebron M.P. Church in Georgetown, DE, which includes any past Trustees or original builders of the church. Theophilus Swain, John Wingate, Peter & John King, John Day, John C. Wingate, H.B. Miles, Stockley, George & Robert West. Also King School where the discussions were done to build the church in 1888. Rev. Weigan first pastor or Hebron M.P. Church from Milton, DE. Email to: or call Barbara - 302-424-4746 or text to cell 302-745-8747. DELMARVA’S WEATHERTECH OUTLET Featuring: Floor Liner, Cup Phones, Window Visors, Mud Guards & all Weathertech products available. DELMARVA AUTO GLASS W Zion Rd., Salisbury, MD 410-546-3600 A Great Awakening with The Blind Evangelist featuring THE HOPPERS. 2/23 at the Hyatt. For tickets & info., 410-829-0148 SEE INTERNET PICTURE Horse Pound Tax Ditch Annual Meeting, Thurs., Feb. 27, 2025 at 12pm at Baxter Farms Shop, 23073 Zoar Rd., Georgetown, DE. No Fly Cruise to the Bahamas, 7/6-13. Call Smith777travels, 302542-4127 for details. Sandy Branch Tax Ditch Annual Meeting on Wed., February 26, 2025 at 7pm at the Selbyville Fire Hall, 30 N. Main St., Selbyville, DE. Ray Stevens, Secretary/Treasurer. ONLINE AUCTIONS & SPORTS Cards. Seaford, DE. 443-669-8185. WE BUY JUNK CARS/TRUCKS Running or not running. No title — No problem. Cash paid on the spot. Call 302-382-5391. CRYSTALS BUS TRIPS 410-422-7707 3/8 Philadelphia Flower show, $125/pp. 3/22 American Dream Mall, $70pp. $35/under, 10 yrs old. 3/29 Washington, DC, $60pp. 3/29 DC Zoo Trip, $60/pp. 4/12 Balt. Orioles, $110/pp. 4/19-21 Niagara Falls, $250/seat $400 for hotel, up to 4pp, 2-nights 4/26 Casino Bus Trip, $60/pp. 5/9 Sight & Sound Noah, includes lunch, $190/pp. 5/10 New York City Spring Trip, $100/pp. Can find info on FaceBook @Crystal’sBusTrips NOTICE TO SELLERS: When accepting Cashier’s Check for payment, call or visit the branch of the financial institution on which the check is drawn on. The financial institution should be able to help you determine whether or not the check issued is genuine. Don’t trust the phone number for the financial institution listed on the check, it might be fraudulent. ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BREAKFAST Sat., Feb. 15, 7am-10am. $10 Per Person, $7 carry out. BETHEL CHURCH, 22365 Bethel Rd., Millsboro. 1 Mile East of Rt. 54/Gumboro Rd. intersection. BETHANY SPORTS CARDS has new owners! Store re-invented/remodeled Garfield Pkwy., Bethany DE 302-537-6330 SEE OUR 1/4 PG. AD IN THE GUIDE THIS WEEK FOR A 10% OFF COUPON! WE BUY JUNK CARS/TRUCKS Running or not running. No title — No problem. Cash paid on the spot. Call 302-382-5391. Gospel Luncheon Cruise Norfolk, VA - 5/17 for info call smith777travels, 302-542-4127. Farmington Town Elections (2) Seats Open, respond by Fri. Feb. 28, 2025. Mail your intent to 98 School Street, Greenwood, DE 19950 or SHARPTOWN LEGION POST 218 Dinners: Wed. Feb. 12, 6pm-8pm, Chili or Chili Dogs; Thurs. Feb. 13, 6pm-8pm, Caesar Salad w Chicken; Fri. Feb. 14, 6pm-8pm, Valentines Dinner for two (Pork Lion or Tortellini w Chicken or Shrimp (includes dessert & 2 drinks); Sat Feb. 15, 4:30pm-7:30pm, S.A.L Steak Night Dinner; Sun. Feb. 16, Bar Opens Noon, Daytona 500 2:30pm. 410-883-3780. WWW.THEGUIDE.COM POCOMOKE STORAGE on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at approx. 10:00 AM, on the unit(s) contents will be sold for CASH to satisfy the amount of the lien owed in accordance with the Title 25 of the Maryland Code 18-501–18-506 for: POCOMOKE MINI STORAGE DBA STORAGE WISE OF POCOMOKE1, 2122 Old Snow Hill Rd., Pocomoke City, MD 21851. #53 E. Connor # 78 ZB. Jones #98 J. Barkley Portions of Fowler Beach to Close for 2025 Shorebird Nesting and Migration. Portions of the Fowler Beach area of Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge which includes the bay beach, dunes & back-barrier portions will close beginning March 1st for the benefit of federally and state protected beach-nesting and migratory shorebirds, including red knot, piping plover, oystercatcher, least tern and other species. When visiting Prime Hook NWR beaches during beach-nesting bird season, please remember to obey all posted signs and barriers. • Dog walking is prohibited. • Closed areas are subject to change and/or modification at any time. • The beach area will re-open on October 1 for full visitor use. For more info. call 302-684-8419 or visit Prime Hook’s website: http:// The Refuge is located just off Route 16 near Broadkill Beach at 11978 Turkle Pond Rd., Milton, DE. HOLLYWOOD CASINO BUS Sat., Mar. 29 - leaves Seaford Big Lots 8am - Charles Town, WV, home by 10:30pm. $60 due 2/28 Vacation Club 302-448-1279 or 302-628-1144.

HAVE A COLOR PHOTO WITH YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ON THE INTERNET! 4 Feb. 14 Onsite Online Auction 9 Medinah Ct., Dover DE Catalog: Soft Close starting @ 5pm, Fri. Feb. 14. More Onsite Auctions Coming Soon! Please Call Jamie or Mandi to schedue an appointment for our Next Gallery Auction. SEE OUR 1/4 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE Estate clean outs, Junk removal, & Estate sale management. Call or Text, Zach of All Trades, 302-864-8249. POORE’S PROPANE AND OIL Heating and Cooling Propane & Heating Oil Delivery + HVAC Services! DE, MD, PA 855-902-3274 Cool Branch & Mirey Branch Tax Ditch Meetings will be held, Thurs., 2/13/25 at 7:00pm at Burt Messick’s Shop, 26677 Fire Tower Rd., Laurel, DE. 302-245-2272. THE GUIDE’S DISTRIBUTION & readership is ever increasing. For more information regarding our delivery locations, readership and demographics, call 302.629.5060 or email GOT DEBT? - Criminal/DUI Representation - Personal Injury - Bankruptcy The only real debt relief is found in the Bankruptcy court. Se Habla Espanol WHITEHEAD LAW DE Office: 302-248-2000 MD Office: 866-SBY-LAWS Sunset Branch Tax Ditch will be meeting on Feb. 12, 2025 at Carey’s Camp Church at 6:30pm. Legal To Whom It May Concern: That Michaela Ashleigh Malyan Dudley of 112 Open Meadow Court, Clayton, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Aaron Nicholas Correia of 111 North Main Street, Viola, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Charles Robert Nunan III of 15 Inverness Court, Dover, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. THEGUIDE.COM is updated weekly so visitors always have a reason to return. To Whom It May Concern: That Thomas James Giammarino of 33220 Paradisio Greens, Ocean View, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Tyler Chase Bentley of 6781 Westville Road, Hartly, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Dylan Michael Niblett of 6938 Sharptown Road, Laurel, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Tabatha Anne Robison of 26512 Shasta Way, Millsboro, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Autumn Nicole Potter of 19 Glen Loch Lane, Houston, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Chervens Chery of 324 North Arch Street, Seaford, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Susan Elaine Goins of 22993 Deep Branch Road, Georgetown, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. ONLINE Run Of Site BANNER ADS starting at $88/wk. Combo banner/print discounts packages available. To Whom It May Concern: That Kameron Matthew Robinson of 21 Washington Street, Dover, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Hailey Alexis Sullenberger of 408 Horizon Lane, Smyrna, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Sharon Ann Lawrence of 11 Beebe Drive, Lewes, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware.

PLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD! Go to today! 5 CHOW AND CHEER has on FEBRUARY 12, 2025 applied with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner for CATERER-OFF for a premise located at 16362 SHARPS MILL ROAD, GREENWOOD, DE 19950. Persons who are against this application should provide written notice of their objections to the Commissioner. For the Commissioner to be required to hold a hearing to consider additional input from persons against this application, the Commissioner must receive one or more documents containing a total of at least 10 signatures of residents or property owners located within 1 mile of the premises or in any incorporated areas located within 1 mile of the premises. The signatures of residents or property owners must also include the mailing address for the property and the email address (if one exists) for the resident or property owner. Protest(s) must be recieved by the Commissioner’s office on or before MARCH 14, 2025. The protests can be emailed to oabcchearingexhibits@delaware. gov, or mailed to OABCC, Carvel State Office Building, 10th Floor, 820 North French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. Failure to file such a protest may result in the Commissioner considering the application without further notice, input, or hearing. If you have questions regarding this matter, please contact the Commissioner’s Office. GRAPHIC DESIGN - Let our design team create your perfect logo, branding, corporate identity, illustration, layouts &more. See or email for info. THE GUIDE is an approved publication by the State of Delaware to provide ADVERTISEMENTS OF NOTICE for the following: 1) Notice of Petition to Obtain Title to Abandoned Property 2) Notice of Public Sales 3) Concealed Carry permits 4) USDA Farm Service Notices of New Poultry Operations est. For more info., please contact The Guide office at 302-629-5060 or email To Whom It May Concern: That Benjamin Douglas Miskin of 34073 Burbage Road, Frankford, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Brian Keith Niblett of 6938 Sharptown Road, Laurel, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. Religious Happenings THE NICHOLS FAMILY IN CONCERT at Mt. Calvary A.M.E. Church, Concord, DE, Sun. 2/23, 5pm. Everyone welcome. Contact Cheryl Johnson, 302-381-8019. PSA: Lincoln Cornerstone Church will forgo the Praise in Music Night for February. The next one will be on March 16th with David Dave Morgans Music Ministry Music For the Soul as our guest. The time has changed, too. It will begin at 5:30pm with finger foods and music will begin at 6. Please come and join us. WISH TO DRIVE MORE VISITORS TO YOUR WEBSITE? offers website URL links for an additional $10 per link, per week, per classified category. We also have online banner ads available. For details email Sweetheart Dinner, 2/14/2025 at 6pm. Couples or singles. Buffet style. Photo booth. Games. Fellowship. New Liberty Wesleyan Church, 28414 Bridgeville Rd, Federalsburg, MD. $15 Advanced ticket required. Call 302-396-3826 A Great Awakening with The Blind Evangelist featuring THE HOPPERS. 2/23 at the Hyatt. For tickets & info., 410-829-0148 SEE INTERNET PICTURE Financial Services EZ CASH HAS (6) LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! CALL 1-844-955-CA$H During this difficult time, we are here to try & help make things easier for you. We are taking all precautions to keep our offices clean, sanitized & practicing social distancing to serve you best. We offer installment loans up to $1500 with payment plans to fit any budget. NEED CASH FAST? EZ LOANS NOW OFFERS CHOICES: Installment loans up to $5000. Loan Specials: $1500 under $134 $2000 under $187 $3000 under $280 $4000 under $375 * Certain Restrictions may apply. On-Line Service 877-297-0011 Delmar ..................302-462-3445 Millsboro ............... 302-934-5560 Harrington .............302-398-0700 Seaford .................302-628-0800 Selbyville ..............302-436-4440 Health Care Inside vehicle lift, good for pwr. scooter & pwr. wheelchair, new, never used, $2000 OBO. 302856-4136 lv. msg. Retired CNA 40 yrs exp. w/refs, available to families for respite care PT, specialize in hospice & dementia. Call 410-200-6740. Will care for the elderly in their home. Dependable & honest. 20 yrs. exp. Call Bonnie Copeland Phippin, 302-858-3805. THE GUIDE * 302.629.5060 Are you looking for a compassionate in-home Care Provider and/or transportation to appts. for your loved one? Look no further! CALL SAFE JOURNEY IN-HOME CARE. 302-500-3991 ASK FOR TERRI SERVICING LOWER SUSSEX COUNTY Retired LPN looking for private duty with senior citizen. Over 30 yrs. exp. in DE. Call for more info. 302-249-0377 pls. lv. msg.

HAVE A COLOR PHOTO WITH YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ON THE INTERNET! 6 Insurance Auto, Home, & Life Insurance savings & package deals. 302-841-9667 Yard/Garage Sales PAM’S TREASURES located at 233 Mechanic St., Laurel, DE. Open: Fri., Sat & Sun., 10am5pm. Locally owned Thrift Shop. BIG ROOSTER MALL Antiques - Vintage - Artisans Fun Stuff - Fantastic Finds Spaces Available for rent Tues.-Sat. 10am-4pm 125 Kemp Lane, Easton, MD 410-936-7400 Place Your Classified Ad Now 302.629.5060 * 800.984.8433 Celebrations A Great Awakening with The Blind Evangelist featuring THE HOPPERS. 2/23 at the Hyatt. For tickets & info., 410-829-0148 SEE INTERNET PICTURE *** HAVE A WONDERFUL *** ** BIRTHDAY !! ** *** AURORE YATES *** February 15th From Everyone at: THE GUIDE Memorials DEBORAH ANN HEARN Georgetown, 71, passed away February 6, 2025. Arrangements provided by Short Funeral Services. Services on Feb. 17. 12pm at Short Funeral Services in Georgetown, DE. Burial will follow at Old Paths Church Cemetery. Help Wanted Drivers, CDL A or B License. Over-the-road. Drive trucks destination to destination. Make own schedule. $1200/wk. avg., 2 years OTR exp. Just Driving! 410-440-1967. See the Country. Helper needed in Georgetown/Seaford. Need Transportation to appts., shopping, etc. 302-519-3595. is mobile friendly. CDL-A Driver with 3 years exp., no exceptions. Clean driving record. Local night shift work, every other weekend off. 10-speed manual transmissions. Training provided. W2 position. Call 443-859-2379 leave a message, you will be called back. Employment Opportunities for MILLWRIGHTS/WELDERS CREW LEADERS for local and out of state. Knowledge of OSHA Guidelines & communication skills are a must. Competitive Salary based on experience. Benefit pkg includes Health Care, Vacation, Retirement & Bonuses. Call 302-337-8777 or email resume to PRESS OPERATOR HIRING IMMEDIATELY !!! WILL TRAIN !!! O’Rourke Media Group is looking for a full-time press operator to join the production team at THE GUIDE facility in Seaford, DE. Great opportunity for someone to learn how to run the press that prints the Guide and Maryland Guide publications each week. The ideal person for this job is mechanically inclined, versatile, open to learning and has a strong work ethic. Fast-paced environment. You must be able to lift packages/ bundles up to 35 lbs. Pay commensurate with experience. We offer medical benefits, dental, vision, 401(k) with company match and 16 PTO days per year. Hours: Mon., Wed. & Thurs. 8am5pm; Tues. 8am-until finished (normally 6pm); Fri. 8am-12noon. About the Company: O’Rourke Media Group is a fast-growing company that owns and operates hyper-local, community newspapers, websites, niche publications and a full-service digital agency. INTERESTED APPLICANTS CAN EMAIL RESUME to or apply online at CLEANING COMPANIES NEEDED - Bethany Beach Vacasa in Bethany Beach is looking to partner with cleaning companies for the summer season! Our cleans typically fall on weekends and Saturdays are busiest. Large teams are welcome! Pay is pre-determined based on the size of the unit, generally between $100 and $250 per clean. Stripping and making beds are required and included in pay amount. IF INTERESTED, please email Hiring CDL A DRIVERS w/2+ yrs. exp. Local shift work. FT & PT. to haul feed, no exp. needed. BCB trains drivers, 2 wks. Great pay. Exp. Drivers, $75,000 - $100,000 annually. Non-exp., after training, $1/mi., + incentives, avg. 250-350 miles perday. FLEET TECHNICIAN, exp. in diesel engines & DEF systems. Also hiring OVER THE ROAD DRIVERS, paid percentage of the load. Pay is nego. Apply to BCB Farms Inc. 302-864-3377. Shark Tank Fans! If you ARE, and have a job and good work ethic and history, I am looking for someone with whom to partner on some projects, who can provide a “safe place Maker Space” in exchange for a percentage of revenue from one or more of these. Ideally, you live in or near Seaford or Lewes/Rehoboth. Also, definately helpful if you are Pop-Culture & New Products & Technolgy literate/knowledgable. Thanks, hope to hear from my future partner(s)! Laborer needed for established firewood company in Delmar, MD. Must have own trans. Cash incentive. 410-896-4267. Exp. Concrete, Paver, etc. Immediate Openings. Southern DE. 302-430-4846. Sales Position - New Home Sales Base Salary + Commission Sales Experience Required Housing Sales Preferred Email Resume: Servers needed for Cohee’s 404 Restaurant, 26171 Shore Hwy., Denton, MD. 410-479-9833 or 443-786-3024

PLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD! Go to today! 7 ON-CALL DELIVERY PERSON The Guide is recruiting for a part-time On-Call DELIVERY PERSON for our office located in Seaford, DE. We offer a friendly, team-oriented and fun work environment, freshly brewed coffee, no weekend work hours and a casual dress code. SPECIFIC JOB DETAILS: - Be part of a 2-person team to deliver weekly publications to various businesses throughout Delmarva. - Work as a team member to load company delivery van with publications required for delivery. QUALIFICATIONS: - Valid driver’s license and verifiable driving record PHYSICAL DEMANDS REQUIRED: • able to use hands to handle and control objects • see objects that are less than few feet away • bend and twist body to move in and out of delivery van throughout the day • able to lift up to 50 lbs. if necessary This is a PART-TIME ON-CALL Position of 1-2 days per week, Wednesdays and/or Thursdays, (approx. 10-12 hours/day). PAY: $15/hr. APPLY: The Guide, 24904 Sussex Hwy., Seaford, DE Online at: or email WWW.THEGUIDE.COM HANDYMAN NEEDED on as is needed basis for rental company in Delmar/Salisbury area Call 302-841-2134 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS APPLICATIONS FOR FULL-TIME POSITION WITH 2 YRS. EXP. CLASS A CDL. LOCAL WORK. HOME EVERY DAY. 410-600-5466. TIG WELDER/ FABRICATOR AND FIELD INSTALLATION TECHNICAN. STARTING PAY $19 /HR. Plus Vacation package after 1 year. Starlight Skylights, 304 Broad St. Hurlock, MD 21643. Please contact Kevin at 443-521-9685. KITCHEN MANAGER - Milton Quick Stop in Milton is on the lookout for a dedicated and passionate Full-time Kitchen Manager. QUALIFICATIONS: - Able to handle & thrive in a fastpaced kitchen - Able to work well with employees - Organized and able to do ordering - Able to communicate effectively with team and customers - Team-oriented, positive attitude - Proficient in multi-tasking - Maintain a safe and sanitary work environment Starting pay will be determined during the interview process. We encourage interested candidates to come by and fill out an application or reach out to Shirley, our GM, for an interview opportunity. 122 Milton Ellendale Hwy., Milton. 302-684-3141. TO APPLY: Se our job posting on DELMARVA.OMGHIRED.COM OTR DRIVER NEEDED Full & Part-Time. Weekly Runs. 3 yrs. verifiable experience. Good CSA record. Clean Background Check. Apply in person with a copy of your recent driver’s record. Class A CDL required. Hobbs Enterprises, Inc. 4398 Turkey Point Road, Viola, DE 19979 302-284-7457 or 302-697-2090 Family owned since 1994. Responsible person that wants to learn to be a Pest Control Technician. We will train. Benefits include health ins., 401K, vacations. Must have a good driving record. Please send resume to: SCHOOL BUS AIDES. MILLSBORO/SELBYVILLE GREAT PART-TIME JOB LAYTON BUSSING 302-245-0315. THE GUIDE * 302.629.5060 HIRING SUB-CONTRACTORS Experienced Screen Door, Entry Door, Patio Door & Interior Door Installers for MD & DE. Must pass background check. Must have transportation & own tools. 443-366-9222. School BUS DRIVER needed for Tony’s Bus Service for Seaford schl. dist. Take advantage of the PAY and TRAINING INCENTIVES available now!!! 302-245-2687. GET PAID WHILE YOU GET TRAINED! K & J BUS COMPANY. A CONTRACTOR FOR THE WOODBRIDGE & OTHER AREA SCHOOL DISTRICTS IS LOOKING FOR DEPENDABLE BUS DRIVERS AND AIDES WITH A GOOD WORK ETHIC. SIGN ON BONUS. TRAINING IS AVAILABLE FOR THOSE INTERESTED. A/C BUSES AVAIL. CALL JOHNNY 302-245-4227 OR KIM 302-448-5670. REED TRUCKING COMPANY Now hiring experienced CDL Drivers; home daily & regional opportunities are available. Competitive pay and benefits for full-time Drivers. Assigned trucks, matching 401K, paid vacation & holidays, health insurance and AFLAC available. We will work around your schedule. Contact Blake or Tyler Reed at 302-684-8585 or email to: REGAL REXNORD IS HIRING EHS MANAGER (SAFETY) MATERIALS MANAGER (BILINGUAL - MX SPAN/ENG) MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR SHIPPING & RECEIVING ASSOCIATE SHIPPING/RECEIVING SUPERVISOR VALUE STREAM MANAGER BENEFITS EFFECTIVE DAY 1 Medical / Dental / Vision Retirement 401k w/match Life Insurance, STD-LTD PTO, Holidays, Paid Family Leave Adoption and Fertility Allowance Tuition Reimbursement APPLY ONLINE LOCATION: Cambridge, MD Responsible person wanted for office work for a pest control company. Benefits include health ins., 401K, vacation. Send resume to: Class B CDL Dump Truck Driver needed in Seaford for asphalt, stone, dirt & milling. 302-381-9246.

HAVE A COLOR PHOTO WITH YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ON THE INTERNET! 8 BESTEMPS CURRENTLY HIRING CAMBRIDGE, MD Banquet Servers Bartenders EASTON, MD Production Packers Machine Operators Quality Control Tech APPLY AT JOURNEYMAN/FOREMAN Local Electrical Contractor has openings for a Journeyman & Foreman: *Must have current State registration. *Have at least 7 yrs. exp. in industrial applications & installations. *Must be able to size, install, wire, conduit & controls. *Troubleshoot motor & controls. *For Application appointment, call 302-854-0210 or fax resume to 302-854-0211 *Email resume to Cindy ************************************ AMERICAN DRIVER TRAINING START YOUR NEW CAREER IN 4-8 WEEKS! CDL-A TRAINING, Day/Eve./Wknd. Classes Avail. All new! Tuition Financing. Tuition Reimbursement avail. EARN UP TO $50,000 IN YOUR FIRST YEAR. 302-655-4511 ************************************* HIRING FAST & THOROUGH Cleaners!! Start ASAP! Hours PT, will lead into FT in Spring. Pay based on experience. Email or text 302-396-3430 to set up your working, paid interview. RNS & LPNS, 7-3, 3-11 &11-7. CNAS, 6-2, 2-10 & 10-6. NEW STARTING SALARIES Interested Applicants email for Application Link at DHSS_DHSS_StockleyHiring@ SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE Looking for a professional alterations person to hem & alter clothing in my home or yours. Pocomoke City, MD. 410-957-3077. ARCTEC AIR HEATING & COOLING Now Hiring HVAC Service Technician, Installation Technican, & Maintenance Technician. Offering competitive pay, 401k & health insurance. Must have valid driver’s license. Apply in person at our office location Mon-Fri. 8am-4pm or email resumes to 14910 Sussex Hwy. Bridgeville DE 19933 TAIL BANGERS IS LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED BAKERS! Are you a passionate baker with a love for crafting delicious treats? Do you want to make a difference in the lives of our furry friends? We’re a busy wholesale dog bakery looking for an experienced baker to join our dynamic team! WE OFFER: • A fun, fast-paced work environment • Competitive pay and benefits • Opportunities for creativity in recipe development • A chance to be part of a mission-driven company that prioritizes pet health and happiness WHAT YOU’LL DO: • Create high-quality, wholesome dog treats using natural ingredients • Collaborate with our team to develop new flavors and products • Maintain a clean and organized baking space • Ensure all products meet our quality standards and comply with health regulations WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR: • Proven baking experience (preferably in a commercial setting) • A love for dogs and understanding of pet nutrition • Strong attention to detail and ability to follow recipes • Ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment If you’re ready to unleash your baking skills and bring joy to dogs everywhere, apply now! Send your resume and a brief cover letter detailing your experience and passion for pet baking to Info@ Kitchen & Bathroom Designer Experience with 2020 Design program a plus. Contact: CDL CLASS A DRIVER WANTED, Min. 3 yrs. Exp., clean driving record required. Belt & Dump Trailer experience preferred. Daily runs, Mon. - Fri. Competitive wages. Email: or call 302-393-3273. IMMEDIATE OPENING: CDL Class A driver wanted. Min 3 yrs exp & clean driving record. Feed hauling experience preferred. Great pay/home daily. Call/text 410.845.9086 & leave a message or send resume to PART TIME DELIVERY DRIVERS NEEDED! Looking for Drivers to work 2 days per week tops, possible 3 when needed and if your available. Work days would be Saturdays & Mondays or you could just choose one of the days if your schedule is busy during the week, but Saturday is mandatory at this rate. We load & unload trucks & deliver packages. This is a very physical job with long days. Some packages can be up to 150 lbs. Required: Clean background, drug test, at least 21 yrs. old, truck driving experience helps, pass DOT physical, & safety tests. CDL is not required. We do random drug test also! Pay will be $22 an hour after training plus stop incentives that could raise it to $26 an hour. Please call 443-944-9956 if interested, leave name & number to be contacted. Please make sure you have voicemail available as we will not keep calling back if its full. Thank you! Work is on the Eastern Shore. MECHANIC WANTED Dover, Delaware - Rt. 9 Salary to be determined by experience. Send resume to 302-678-3797 J N H Construction is looking for Carpenters & Helpers. Must have hand tools & own transportation. BE DEPENDABLE! Call 302-228-2260. DRIVER WANTED To pick up children from (2) Indian River District Schools. Fridays, 3pm-4:30 pm. Clean driving record, background check & drug test. Call 302-732-9097.

PLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD! Go to today! 9 NOW HIRING CLASS A CDL for hauling grain. We travel in surrounding states and home most nights. This is a 1099 position (Don’t take out taxes). Must have 2 years experience on your CDLs. Must pass drug test, be reliable and eager to work. Located in Delmar, DE. Please contact Jessica at 443-783-1582. SULLIVAN’S GARDEN CENTER Now Hiring - Part & Full Time YARD LABORER Apply at in person at 1920 Bay Rd, Milford, DE 19963 CHARLES MESSINA Plumbing, Electrical & HVAC is now hiring: - PLUMBERS - ELECTRICIANS - HVAC TECHNICIANS Apply: 3681 S. Little Creek Rd.,Dover or fax resume to: 302-674-5698 or 302-674-5696. SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE SHIFT ENGINEER – MARYLAND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE Location: Somerset County, MD Seeking a Shift Engineer with a high school diploma or GED, 3 years of steam plant operation experience, and a First Grade MD Stationary Engineer’s License. APPLY: ONeals Millwright & Services is seeking EXPERIENCED Millwrights to join our team. Must have a VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE. Please call 302-265-2374 or email for more info. LOOKING FOR A FULL-TIME EXP. DIESEL MECHANIC Working in a well maintained shop and clean trucks. Must have own tools and transportation. Benefits include matching 401K, paid holidays, vacation, life ins., health ins. (after 30 days), AFLAC and company paid uniforms. Competitive pay. Contact Blake Reed at Reed Trucking Company 302-684-8585 ext. 18 BILLY’S ELECTRIC Electrician needed. Must have 2 yrs. exp. to apply. We offer Vacation & Holiday pay. Call 302-245-9800, lv. msg. Superior Screen & Glass in Dagsboro, DE is looking for motivated Techs to be trained within the industry. Full or part time. If you are ready for a career, CALL 302-541-5399. SR@SCREENANDWIRE.COM APPLY NOW FOR DELAWARE TECH’S COMMERCIAL DRIVER’S LICENSE TRAINING PROGRAM! This 8-week course meets Mon.-Fri., 8:30am-4:30pm. Evening/weekend options available. Course is compliant with current federal regulations. Sessions are offered 11 times per year. Funding is available for qualified applicants. For more information, call 302-259-6200 or email FITZGERALD SALVAGE AND RECYCLING is hiring for the following positions. Diesel Mechanic/Heavy Equipment Mechanic needed. Experience required. Laborer needed, experience with cars and dismantling wheels and tires preferred but not required. Contact Johnny 302-422-7584 Ext. 141. BUS DRIVERS Seeking qualified bus drivers in the Kent Co. area. Applicants must have a valid driver’s lic. w/required CDL which allows them to operate a school bus; pass a DOT physical, background check, and drug screening; able to lift up to 50 lbs. and assist students as needed. HS diploma or GED. Temp to perm position. Contact Tammy with BBSI Staffing Division: SEE OUR 1/4 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE AUTO TECHNICIAN POSITION IS FULL-TIME WITH COMPETITIVE HOURLY WAGE, PAID VACATION AND HEALTH INSURANCE. Please apply in person at: Coastal Towing, 33012 Cedar Grove Rd., Lewes, DE. 302-645-9700. Construction Carpenters or Laborer w/3 yrs. experience. Must have valid driver’s lic. Sussex Co. area. Call 302-629-4885, lv. msg. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS Busy Tire and Service Center with locations in the Rehoboth and Bethany Beach areas has openings for Experienced Technicians. Excellent Pay and several benefits including company matched retirement plan, health reimbursement and much more. Call today for more information. 302-344-9846 PT ORGANIST/ PIANIST 3-6 HRS/WK. One service on Sunday. St. Luke’s Methodist Church, Denton, MD. Call Laura 302-242-1644 HIRING SUB-CONTRACTORS Exp. Kitchen & Bath Installers. Must have trans. & own tools. Myers Kitchen & Bath. Serving MD & DE. 443-944-3505. C&R ELECTRIC, INC. IS seeking a skilled Residential Electrical Service Technician for our Delaware Division.This position is responsible for installing, trouble shooting, and repairing electrical systems within residential properties. This includes wiring, outlets, lighting fixtures, and circuit breakers; by diagnosing issues, performing repairs, and ensuring compliance with electrical codes. The ideal candidate is a team player with excellent communication and interpersonal skills to communicate clearly and professionally with homeowners regarding issues and repairs. A license is required with at least 5 years of experience and must be able to pass the background check and drug test. C&R Electric, Inc. provides competitive salaries, vehicle, 401k, paid time off, and offers a benefit package including health & dental.To apply please call 302-643-0437 or email Carpenter needed for interior kitchen and bathroom remodeling. Must have experience with cabinet installation, needs to be detail oriented and a self-starter. Applicant must have valid driver’s license and their own hand tools. Contact: CLASS B CDL DRIVER. 3 years Dump truck exp. preferred. Manual transmission. Clean driving record. 302-507-5587