T he M aryl an d G u ide • 1 0 - 1 0 - 2 4 AUCTIONEER: C. W. BUD FOXWELL 443-521-3327 PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, Oct. 12th • 10AM 150 Main St., Secretary, MD Estate of John Garrett Power Tools • Machinist Tools R/C Airplanes • Steam Engines Enclosed Tandem Axle Trailer (2) Storage Buildings • GMC Pickup Rods/Reels • Clocks • Guitars AND MORE! EVERYTHING GOES! TERMS: Cash / Approved Check / 6% Sales Tax INSPECTION: 9:00 AM SALE: 10:00 AM For photos & more details: Bud Foxwell on Facebook. THE BUYING CENTER We’re here to BUY your car! NOT Trade your car! WE BUY CARS • No Purchase Necessary! Confused with online offers? You need a REAL offer, from a REAL person, that’s REAL local. 302-381-2674 2516 N. Salisbury Blvd. • Salisbury, MD 21801 getpaid@yourbuyingcenter.com Get PAIDFast! Selling Made EASY! Someone Here Needs You! Adopt a shelter dog or cat today Get free pet care information Spay or neuter your pet for a longer life Volunteer your services to benefit the animals 410-822-0107 www.talbothumane.org Talbot County Humane Society