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Greenwood, DE
Delmarva Gospel Music Assoc.
Greater Vision
Fri. 12/6, 7pm. Doors open 5pm.
DE State Fair Exhibit Hall
18500 S. Dupont Hwy.
Harrington DE 19952.
Members: call Loretta to reserve seats: 302-531-7997 until 11/27.
Tickets: $45. or 302-398-5020.
see our 1/2 page ad in
this week’s Guide
Georgetown, DE
Pancake Supper at Providence Community Church, 24969 Shortly Rd., Georgetown, DE. Fri., 11/8, 4:30pm-7pm. Cost is a donation. Come enjoy a country supper with wonderful people.
Lincoln, DE
Mark your calendars for Nov. 17th at 6:30pm when Lincoln Cornerstone Church, 10622 N. Union Church Rd., Lincoln, DE, welcomes Real Hope for our Praise in Music Night. Please join us.
Easton, MD
New Beginnings Family Worship
Center. Worship with us, Sundays
10:30am. Talbot Ag Center,
Hiners Lane, Easton, MD.
Seaford, DE
Military Stand Down, Sun., 11/10,
11am. Clarence Street Church of
God. Bishop Carlton Cannon Sr.,
National Chaplain Military Order
of the Purple Heart Captain.
All are welcome.
Contact Veronica, 302-396-1342.
Greenwood, DE
St. Johnstown Church in
Celebrate their 245th
Sunday, November 10th at
Special Music and refreshments
All are welcome.