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Cambridge, MD
A Great Awakening with
The Blind Evangelist featuring
The Hoppers. 2/23 at the Hyatt.
For tickets & info., 410-829-0148
Seaford, DE
The NICHOLS FAMILY IN CONCERT at Mt. Calvary A.M.E. Church, Concord, DE, Sun. 2/23, 5pm. Everyone welcome. Contact Cheryl Johnson, 302-381-8019.
Lincoln, DE
PSA: Lincoln Cornerstone Church will forgo the Praise in Music Night for February. The next one will be on March 16th with David Dave Morgans Music Ministry Music For the Soul as our guest. The time has changed, too. It will begin at 5:30pm with finger foods and music will begin at 6. Please come and join us.
Federalsburg, MD
Sweetheart Dinner, 2/14/2025
at 6pm. Couples or singles.
Buffet style. Photo booth. Games.
Fellowship. New Liberty
Wesleyan Church, 28414
Bridgeville Rd, Federalsburg, MD.
$15 Advanced ticket required.
Call 302-396-3826