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Lincoln, DE
Forever Love in time for
Valentines Day! Born 11/30;
(1) M, (3) F. RARE US line.
Merle, Tri, & Brindle, Green & Blue eyes. ABKC, UKC, AMBA registry. Shots, dewormed,
vet cert healthy. Parents on premises. Bred as sweet family babies. Must see. Search Google for PitLvr Bullies.
Call/Text 302-249-8213
Hebron, MD
Labradoodle Pupples
Male and Female
Merle and Black coats
Born 12/18/24, ready for forever families today, $1500.
Text or call 843-455-3517
Email - jasjas123@gmail.com
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When accepting Cashier’s Check for payment, call or visit the branch of the financial institution on which the check is drawn on. The financial institution should be able to help you determine whether or not the check issued is genuine. Don’t trust the phone number for the financial institution listed on the check, it might be fraudulent.