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* * *Fair Housing Notice * * *
All real estate advertised herein is
subject to the Federal Fair
Housing Act, which makes it illegal
to advertise “any preference, lim-
itation or discrimination because of
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intention to make any such prefer-
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We will not knowingly accept any
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in violation of the law. All persons
are hereby informed that all
dwellings advertised are available
on an equal opportunity basis.
All real estate advertised herein is
subject to the Federal Fair
Housing Act, which makes it illegal
to advertise “any preference, lim-
itation or discrimination because of
race, color, religion, sex, handicap,
familial status or nation origin, or
intention to make any such prefer-
ence, limitation or discrimination.”
We will not knowingly accept any
advertising for real estate which is
in violation of the law. All persons
are hereby informed that all
dwellings advertised are available
on an equal opportunity basis.