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Salisbury, MD
ARCHERY BOW & ACCESSORIES - P S E Durango Lite Bow, hunt or competition, custom grip, adjustable cam., $300. Also for sale, Bow case, Bow press, stabilizers target sight & scope, Scott release, plus more.
Text for prices. 410-430-9394.
Seaford, DE
20 ga. 3” Mag. A-5 28” full Browning Belgium. Vent rib barrel.
Call 302-604-4283
Dover, DE
(20) doz. floating cork waterfowl
decoys; custom lead weights;
(2) boats with trlrs.; (4) outboards;
enclosed trlr.; all access.
Call 302-734-3919 for pricing.
Houston, DE
Winchester 1300 pump shotgun, 12 ga., fully rifled slug barrel, Cabela’s 3-9X slugster scope w/covers. $325. Ammo. available. Call 302-503-7117.
Lewes, DE
Mossberg 20 ga. pump shotgun, synthetic stock, rifle barrel, used one time, field barrel, never used, in box. $400. 302-945-3941.
Seaford, DE
New tree climbing deer stand, $100. Call 302-381-9899.