The Guide - September 11, 2024

T he Guide • 9 - 11- 2 4 Location: Walters Farm, 8571 S. DuPont Hwy., Felton, DE 19943. 8 miles south of Dover, DE on US Rt. 13 just north of Canterbury light. Consignments accepted September 7th thru September 12th, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or call Sam. Terms: Cash or approved checks day of sale. Not responsible for accidents. Auctioneer: Sam Walters III, (302) 270-1637 Auction personnel has the right to accept or reject Consignments. CALL 302-331-9632 Pole Buildings & Metal Roofing SHANE’S DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO VETERANS AND FARMERS New Buildings, Additions & Leans on Existing Buildings, Roof Replacements & Roof Overs AMISH CRAFTSMANSHIP STANDING SEAM FREE ESTIMATES AFFORDABLE QUALITY WORK LICENSED & INSURED RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURAL METAL IS THE MOST AFFORDABLE OPTION FOR YOUR ROOF REPLACEMENT