The Guide

U-Pick Stands: A Fun and Rewarding Experience

Local U-Pick Stands

Keywords: u-pick, strawberries, peaches, blackberries, blueberries, flowers, herbs, pumpkins, maze, raspberries, cucumbers, vegetables, local produce, sunflowers, farm fresh
U-pick stands are a great way to enjoy the outdoors, get some exercise, and pick your own fresh fruits and vegetables. Here are a few reasons why U-pick stands are so much fun:
You can choose the ripest and freshest produce. When you pick your own produce, you can select the items that are perfectly ripe and ready to eat. This is in contrast to buying produce from the grocery store, where the produce is often picked before it is fully ripe.
You can learn about different varieties of fruits and vegetables. Many U-pick stands have a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to choose from. This is a great opportunity to learn about different varieties and to try new things.
You can enjoy the outdoors. U-pick stands are often located in beautiful settings, such as orchards and farms. This provides a great opportunity to get some fresh air and enjoy the scenery.
You can make a day of it. Many U-pick stands also offer other activities, such as hayrides, pumpkin patches, and corn mazes. This makes it a great way to spend a day with family and friends.
You can support local farmers. When you buy produce from a U-pick stand, you are supporting local farmers. This helps to keep money in the local economy and to support sustainable agriculture.
Here are some of the popular U-pick stands in the region:
B&B Farms (Townsend): Strawberries and pumpkins. 
Bennett Orchards (Frankford): Blueberries and peaches. 
Bobola Farm & Florist (Dover): Strawberries, pumpkins. 
Coleman's Christmas Tree Farm (Middletown): Christmas trees. 
Don's Tree Farm (Greenwood): Trees. 
Fifer Orchards, Inc. (Wyoming): Blueberries, strawberries, peaches, apples, pumpkins, sunflowers. 
Filasky's Produce (Middletown): Asparagus, Strawberries. 
Kingsley Orchards (Frankford): Blueberries. 
Magee Farms (Selbyville): Strawberries and fall pumpkins. 
Messick's Berry Farm (Lincoln): Strawberries and raspberries. 
Mr. Peppers Pumpkin Patch (Laurel): Fall pumpkins. 
Parsons Farm Produce (Dagsboro): Strawberries, blueberries, peaches, Christmas trees.
Ramsey's Farm (Wilmington): Pumpkins.
Thousand Acre Farm (Middletown): Apples.
First Class Farms (Preston): Strawberries
First Fruits Berry Farm & Orchard (Denton): Blueberries. 
Emily’s Produce (Cambridge): Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, flowers, pumpkins.
Erickson’s Farm (Centreville): Strawberries. 
Family Affair Farm (Easton): Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and pumpkins.
Godfrey’s Farm (Sudlersville): Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cut flowers, sunflowers, peaches. 
Kent Fort Farm (Stevensonville): Blackberries, peaches, cucumbers, pumpkins.
Kings Berries (Ridgely): Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries. 
Oakley’s Farm Market (Hebron): Strawberries, herbs, pumpkins. 
Pablo’s Bowls (Berlin): Blueberries. 
Peach Blossom Farm (Salisbury): Blackberries.
Redemption Farms (Denton): Strawberries, peaches, apples, broad beans, pumpkins
White Marsh Acres (Centreville): Peaches. 
Wings Landing Farms (Preston): Strawberries. 
Wrights Farm (Mardela Springs): Strawberries. 
Pickett’s Harbor Farms (Cape Charles): Strawberries, blackberries.
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