The Guide - Recipes: Appetizers
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Grilled Feta-Stuffed Figs


18 large, fresh figs, stems trimmed

3 ounces feta cheese, at room temperature

1 tablespoon honey

1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh oregano leaves

1 tablespoon olive oil

3 tablespoons Orange Honey-Butter Glaze (optional, see below)


Gas: Direct heat, medium-low (300 F); Clean, oiled grate on lowest setting


Charcoal: Direct heat, medium-light ash; 12-by-12-inch charcoal bed (about 3 dozen coals); Clean, oiled grate on lowest setting


Wood: Direct heat, medium-light ash; 12-by-12-inch bed, 2 inches deep; Clean, oiled grate set 5 inches above the fire



1. Heat the grill as directed.


2. Cut a narrow pocket into the blossom (bottom) end of each fig. Stick your pinky finger into the pocket and use it to press indentations into both sides of the pocket, creating a small cavity in the center of each fig.


3. Puree the feta, honey, oregano, and olive oil in a small food processor. The mixture will be thick. Alternatively, mash the cheese vigorously with a fork, then mix in the remaining ingredients.


4. Using a small spoon and your fingertips, stuff about 1 teaspoon of the feta mixture into each fig cavity. Or pipe the mixture from a pastry bag into the fig cavities. Gently squeeze the bottom ends together to enclose the filling.


5. Skewer 3 figs crosswise on each skewer (the stem should be perpendicular to the skewer).


6. Brush the grill grate and coat it with oil. Put the fig skewers in the grill and cook until nicely grill-marked, turning once or twice, 5 to 8 minutes total.


7. Brush with the honey-butter glaze, if using. 


Serves 6



Orange Honey-Butter Glaze



2 tablespoons butter, well softened

1 tablespoon, honey

1 tablespoon grated orange zest

Pinch of grated nutmeg



1. In a small bowl, mix all ingredients until creamy and spreadable like icing. Refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.


2. Soften to a spreadable consistency before using.

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