The Guide - Recipes: Appetizers
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Pork and Shrimp Meatballs With Lemongrass and Ginger


8 ounces peeled shrimp

4 ounces freshly ground pork, preferably pork belly

2 stalks lemongrass, green parts removed, crushed and finely chopped, plus 2 thick stalks lemongrass

2 to 6 small green chiles

1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh ginger

2 teaspoons light sesame oil

1 kaffir lime leaf, finely chopped if fresh, or crumbled if dried

Oil for panfrying, such as canola



1. In a food bowl, combine the shrimp, pork, chopped lemongrass, chiles, ginger, sesame oil, and lime leaf. Run the mixture through a grinder and return to the bowl. (Or, if using a food processor, pulse to mix. It is better with a rather coarse mixture than a mushy one.)


2. Using a sharp knife, quarter the whole lemongrass stalks lengthwise, making sure that each “skewer” holds together at the bottom. Divide the shrimp mixture into 8 portions. Rub each lemongrass skewer between your palms until it gives off a fresh smell, but not so much as to disintegrate. Wrap one portion of the meat mixture around each piece of lemongrass.


3. Heat a little oil in a large skillet over high heat. Add the skewers and cook for 6 to 8 minutes, turning several times, until golden brown and cooked through.


Variation: If you want more sesame flavor, roll the patties in sesame seeds before frying. This is not recommended if you are grilling, as the sesame seeds have a tendency to pop when exposed to high heat, but frying over medium heat works fine. They will need a slightly longer cooking time. PC117990


Serves 4 as a starter, 8 as an appetizer


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