The Guide - February 12, 2025

HAVE A COLOR PHOTO WITH YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ON THE INTERNET! 14 For Sale UPCOMING AUCTIONS Pete Richardson Auction Sales. SEE OUR FULL PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE AND MARYLAND GUIDE DELMARVA’S WEATHERTECH OUTLET Featuring: Floor Liner, Cup Phones, Window Visors, Mud Guards & all Weathertech products available. DELMARVA AUTO GLASS W Zion Rd., Salisbury, MD 410-546-3600 L.M. WELDING Doing your custom fabricating and repairs. Steel, aluminum and stainless. 302-270-6417 (2) EZ Go Golf carts in good shape, both need new batteries from sitting up. Only have (1) charger for both carts. $1500 for the pair. Call 302-519-9748. SEE INTERNET PICTURE NEW DOUBLEWIDE HOME - BEST DEAL IN TOWN! 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHROOMS DELIVERED AND SET UP with Piers & Straps. Only $94,000! Call 302-381-2772 and leave a message. We’ll get back to you ASAP! PLAIN NOTE PADS - Great for the office, reminders, to-do lists, etc. 5.5”x4.25” - 50 SHEETS PER PAD. (6) FOR $2 - While supplies last! Sussex Printing Corp./The Guide, 24904 Sussex Hwy., Seaford, DE 19973. Mon.-Thurs. 8am-5pm; Fri. 8am-4pm. Packing fill dirt at $175; screened topsoil at $300 per truck load, local delivery, limited quantity available. 302-841-5564, lv. msg. BEST TV REPAIRMAN Authorized Factory Service For All Major Brands. Also Service Computers. 302-536-7643 R-State of Art Electronics SEE OUR 1/4 PG. AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE EAST & WEST Firewood, approx. 5-6 cords/load, log form, starting at $125/load, delivered. 302-448-1021. DE only. (16) 55-gal. Plastic Drums w/lids, best offer. Call 443-235-6726. Somerset Hidden Treasures INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE! 11765 Somerset Ave. Princess Anne, MD 21853 410-651-2728 somersethiddentreasures SEE OUR 1/4 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE SERVICE THIS WEEK Handyman Plumbing & Electrical Services. Hot water heaters, garage disposals, toilets, faucets. We can also take care of broken pipes, repair leads & well problems. Call 302-381-3167 SEE OUR 1/4 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE NEED A MOBILE HOME DEMOLISHED OR PURCHASED? We’ve got you covered! CLEARING & SITE WORK POOLS, DECKS, & SHEDS FREE EST. WITHIN 24 HRS THE BEST PRICES IN TOWN Call 302-381-2772 today! Leave a message - we’ll get back to you ASAP! 5 x 8 Enclosed trailer, $1650. 7 x 12 Landscape trailer, high sides & tailgate, $1950. 410-430-4030 Carpet Installation, 12x12 rooms, $300 includes everything. We speak Spanish also. Call 302-339-7120. DELAWARE & EASTERN SHORE MARYLAND’S POLE BUILDING EXPERTS - Diamond State Pole Buildings - Better Materials, Better Prices, Better Buildings! Call today to begin your custom design. 302-253-Pole (7653). 7288 S. Dupont Hwy., Felton, DE SEE OUR FULL PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE AND MARYLAND GUIDE We Buy & Sell Active & Inactive Delaware License Plates SNOOKIE’S AUTOMOTIVE & PERFORMANCE, 302-684-8466 Plastic 55 gal drums with lids, good for deer corn, feed or trash cans, shipping clothes, etc., $25 ea. 302-448-1655. Free delivery with purchase of (20) or more. SEE INTERNET PICTURE REPAIRS: IPHONE & GALAXY PHONES. SAME DAY SERVICE. RSTATE, 302-381-3167. 7ft tall wooden glass front display cabinet, w/approx. 100 decorated bells. Will sell sep. or all together 443-359-8466 OUTBACK BUILDERS, LLC. THE NEW YEAR DEAL: Buildings 1-Door 24x24x10, $15,500; 2-DR, 30x40 x10, $26,400. Metal Roofing. Using 28 ga. metal “Offering Residential, ag, commercial, barndominium, concrete & site work. Lic. & Ins. 302-632-9411. SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE EASTERN SHORE POLE Buildings, 302-632-0918. SEE OUR FULL PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE AND MARYLAND GUIDE DUTCH COUNTRY MARKET OPEN THURS. - SAT. 9AM-5PM 302.875.1678 SPECIALS - FEB 13-15 Hard Salami....................$6.99/lb. Longhorn Cheese (sliced) ........... ........................................$3.99/lb. Banana Pudding.............$4.69/lb. Now Selling FRESH HALAL CHICKEN Boneless skinless breast tenders & thighs, whole chicken, etc. HEIRLOOM FURNITURE Open Thurs. - Sat., 9am-6pm 302.875.1608 PRESIDENT’S DAY SALE SAVE 10% OFF INDOOR FURNITURE UP TO 25% OFF SELECT PIECES. Bedroom - Dining - Office GAZEBOS*SHEDS*PLAYSETS Poly Dining * Gliders * Settees Swings * Birdhouses * Windmills Behind Johnny Janosik, 11233 Trussum Pond Rd., Laurel, DE. Heavy guage aluminum locking tool box for full size pickup, $200. 240-988-6885 SEE INTERNET PICTURE Place <our Classified Ad Now 302-629-5060 • 1-800-984-8433 CHUNK FREE ASPHALT MILLINGS. Loads avg. 22 tons. $450 - $600 depending on location. 443-614-9065. We also have recycled concrete & coarse millings (similar to #57 stone) in addition to regular blue stone products. Call for pricing & availability. WE SERVICE A LARGE PORTION OF THE SHORE.